Connecting generations through the legacy of the Korean War.

July 27, 2024, Saturday, 71st Anniversary Korean War Armistice, Hawaii State Capitol

5:00 p.m. Guided Tour ($5.00)

Guided tour of the 1994 Korean And Vietnam War Memorials located at the Hawaii State Capitol.

Korean War 1950 to 1953

5,720,000 U.S. military personnel

54,246 U.S. military total deaths

103,284 U.S. military wounded

8,075 U.S. military no remains

Vietnam War 1955 to 1975

8,744,000 U.S. military personnel

58,220 U.S. military total deaths

153,303 U.S. military wounded

1,741 U.S. military no remains

$5.00 Donation

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