Connecting generations through the legacy of the Korean War.

Honoring Heroes

Together, We Can Make History

At the Korean War Foundation, Inc. in Honolulu, Hawaii, we believe that our legacy is not built by our organization alone but by the collective efforts of our members. Working together with our members is one of our key strategies to continue our mission of preserving the memory of the Korean War and its veterans.

As we grow and evolve, our organization understands the importance of collaboration and inclusivity. By welcoming non-Korean War veterans as members, we broaden our reach and deepen our commitment to honoring the heroes of the Korean War. Together, we can ensure that their sacrifices are never in vain.

Our focus goes beyond recruitment; it's about fostering a sense of unity, camaraderie, and purpose. Join hands with us as we work tirelessly to keep the legacy of our Korean War veterans alive.

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